Thursday, October 9, 2008

Abbie, Private School Teacher & Entrepreneur

"I have been used to living a comfortable average life. Low pressure. Easy life. My parents never asked us (me and my siblings) for any financial support. Anything given to them was always voluntary. So the moment I started working, I have my whole income to myself. Yet money goes as easily as it comes because payday is always "got to buy this" day. I realized that I'm not being a good steward of God's treasures but money just keeps on going down the drain and I can't figure out why I always find a reason to spend. When I played Cashflow 101 and took the business course (and many other courses), I finally understood (I've been in denial for years) that I was the cause of everything that's working and not working in my life. Through Create Abundance 2020, I have learned to manage my finances and unlearned being comfortable. Each day is a challenge. Every task pushes you beyond your limits. Growth is inevitable and your dreams within your reach. With life this exciting, why would I want to be comfortable and average?"

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