Thursday, October 9, 2008

Mark, Medical Representative

There comes a point in every person's life that he feels that he has more to give and yet more to still achieve. I came to that point specifically about 3 years ago.

My first 3 years as a Professional Rat-Racer-Salesman was the most fun and very financially fulfilling time of my very young professional life. I enjoyed all the money that came my way and would spend it all out on personal doodads. My company car was the greatest testimonial of that splurging lifestyle.

I was living the "instant millionaire" lifestyle. But as the years went by everything around me started to change. Then it finally hit me when I read my first book "Who Moved My Cheese".
It made me think that I was living the life that I wanted to live but not preparing myself for what it may bring me in the long run. I was thinking only short term and not long term.

Well as they say that life is like a wheel. My "lifestyles of the rich and famous" has already passed me by so fast that I was left to start my new life from scratch again if not even deeper.

Now when I was already accepting my fate to be the best RAT in my company. I got a very angelic message from my Friendster account. Who could that be? It says, "...I’m forming a group of 15....I’ve already got a multi-millionaire by 2010...start from zero..." Hmm, looks like a scam to me, but what else can I loose when I have nothing more to loose? right? So one Thursday after my usual routine J.O.B. I got to meet this person. And as they say the rest is history.

Being part of the now CreateAbundance2020 Business School has really been the peak of the story of my financial life. I really thought that I'll just get through living with what I was doing. But right after I joined the group and invested and enrolled my life started to change continuously.

I started to read and buy lots of books that were recommended by my coach and mentor. I see the world in a very different prospective where all possibilities are possible. I am forcing myself to grow as fast as I could cause they say "If you're not growing, you’re Dying".

Meeting my mentors, the two pioneers of this very innovative and visionary type of business school has really been one of the greatest blessings for me. I can envision myself to where I want to be and who I want to be; and most importantly I must be more concern with helping OTHERS before myself. For we cannot reach our dreams by doing it alone. I've learned that by helping others first I get to accomplish my own goals without even noticing it. These two great people is really one of God's gift not just to me but to all who has never given up on their dreams.

Now to everyone who has dreamed BIG before but somehow let their circumstances, their life, their job to just compromise with what has been given to them, I invite you to be part of our Business School. You'll get to realize that anything is possible. You can BE MORE, DO MORE and HAVE MORE if you're willing to LEARN MORE. In our group, we let you realize that you can fulfill all new possibilities with your life. We want to help Y-O-U!!! All of YOU. I got a lot and still I'm still expecting a lot more.

One servant to all

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