Thursday, October 9, 2008

Eileen, Court of TAX Appeals Employee & Entrepreneur

Before, I just envisioned myself living a simple, comfortable and financially stable life. That was my goal. After college, the plan was to find a steady paying job. Then save until I can buy a car, a house probably etc. you know... Live a life. But of course, as an employee, the pay is just enough to pay for the bills and expenses etc,, so my plan of saving and buying what I want could probably take me a long time. I would probably be working my butt off until... Hmm... Let’s say... 60 or even more? Anyway, the thought of it just made me settled for less, and hindered me from dreaming big and dreaming more for me and my family.

Thanks to a dear college friend who introduced me to this community. At first, I was hesitated to attend (Cashflow), because you had no idea what was he talking about when he texted the invite. The only reason that i attended was because Jerson was attending. I didn't know what to expect. I kind of had the idea that it was sort of a seminar. The usual seminar setting- when a person talks in front of crowd. Anyway, it was different. It got me curious and interested.

To cut the story short, I joined the community. I joined despite I have so many fears, doubts and questions in my mind, but they were all answered one by one and step by step. I joined because I want to learn and surround myself with success-driven people. This community inspires and empowers people to continue dreaming and making them come true at the same time. Thanks to this community... I won't just settle for less and just get what I really want.

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